Post may be slightly sporadic from me at the moment (I shall explain later), but one good thing is that my birthday is coming up, yaay! I'm going to be 25, which I'm fine with. I will never understand people who become obsessed with ageing/hiding their real age etc. I'm happy with it, growing old is part of life so get on and have fun with it!
With that being said, I thought I would share some of the things (material or otherwise) that I would love to receive for my birthday...
1. I would like my mum to get out of Intensive Care.
Not many will realise this, because I didn't want to sound all "woe is me", but my mum is currently very ill, having had 2 operations and is currently in an ICU. It would be very unrealistic, given her current state to wish for her to be completely out of hospital, but if my mum was in a general ward, eating and drinking so I can take her juice and sit with her on my birthday, I would be extremely happy.
Me, my bro, my mum and my dad at Christmas. If we can all be together on my birthday, that'd be just grand :)
2. I would like my flat to be fully unpacked, decorated and not looking like I've just moved in!
Basically this all comes down to the fact that since we moved back, Kris and I have barely had a chance to sit still or even get anything done. At the moment we're both in this cycle of home-hospital-work so we don't have a lot of time to finish unpacking things. If I could find some unpacking/painting fairies at some point...
Ok my house won't look like this, but so long as it looks clean and not full of boxes please?
3. Chanel Le Vernis Nail Colour in Taboo. - I would never spend £18 on a nail polish for myself, but God that is such a pretty shade!
You can buy Taboo from House of Fraser and other leading Chanel stockists.For me maybe? :P
A pretty short wishlist from me this year, seeing as the main thing I want for my birthday is for my mum to be well enough to celebrate with me! Anyone else have a birthday coming up? What would be on your birthday wish-list?
Christina xo